VB Shaped Form Creator 5 New Features
Features Added:
- A floating zoom window has been added.
- Shapes can be selected in the graphical editor by
clicking on them.
- Forms can be opened by drag-dropping them onto the main window
- A Paste Background Bitmap command has been added.
- The Edge Tracer has a Clear Area command added.
- The Edge Tracer has also had a Paste Bitmap command
- The Edge Tracer is now a non-modal resizable minimizable
whateverable window.
- An Add All button has been added to it. And the interface
completely redone.
- When opening a form an outline of it, and all the
controls on it, is displayed.
- If you try to save over an existing file it will ask you
if you want to modify it instead.
- Warnings are given before any action that would cause you
to loose the current shape if not saved.
- The recently opened files history list no longer displays
the full path, but a shortened path, with the full path
appearing in the status bar when the mouse is over it.
- The grid runs about a million times faster (moved it into
API drawing, rather than VB's incredibly slow line or
point methods)
- When resizing the form, the shape is now repainted (if
you opened a form larger than the window, it will now be
displayed if you enlarge the window)
- What's This? help has been improved
- More settings are saved (I can't remember which, but I
think pretty much everything gets saved now...)
- In the Graphical editor, it is now possible to drag one
side of an object past its other side, as when drawing.
- When the right mouse button is clicked (in TwoClick mode,
not for Polygons) the shape started is cancelled.
- When in ClickDrag mode, if a size 0 shape is drawn (a
click rather than a drag), it is ignored.
Bug Fixes:
- Trying to save or modify a form when there is nothing to
save no longer produces an error.
- Cancelling a modify when prompted to replace exisiting
information no longer produces an error when next opening
a file.
- Reset All Settings twice no longer produces an error.
- Other stuff :-) Probably anything that was wrong
with it in previous versions isn't now, but if it is, let
me know and I will fix it.
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