Universal Play List Editor
This program was written with two aims. Firstly to design the
best possible interface I could, and secondly to be able to read
and write user-defined play list formats. The second it achieves,
the first is a matter of opinion. If you like it, then let me
know, or if you can think of any improvements. As with all the
programs available here there is no install program, and all the
files are available separately here, so only those you don't
already have need to be downloaded. If you find that there is a
problem running the program, and the file here is a later version
than yours, then try downloading the appropriate file from here.
Oh yes, and the files are zipped, so if you don't have an
unzipper yet then GET ONE. Try WinZip.
Read Me HTML File
Please email me
if you wish to comment on this program, or to send in any
bug reports or suggestions. |
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