Version 1.0 - initial release 27/12/99 Version 1.0 - released 28/12/99 Fixed History Display at startup being out of date Fixed Synonym File Load not being recorded as synonym file to use Added unsupported FileInfo Editor Fixed Unlock bug Fixed full colourscan not returning textbox focus Version 1.01 - released 29/12/99 Fixed some AutoComplete issues (brought up in UseNet by Version 1.02 - released 29/12/99 Fixed the click on grid (Associations or Synonyms) crash Fixed some colouring bugs when switching between templates Version 1.03 - released 30/12/99 Added PageUp and PageDown keys to AutoComplete Popup list Fixed Cut bug Version 1.04 - released 30/12/99 Fixed case sensitivity problem with Associations Fixed bug causing a (rare) crash when exiting the Options window. Fixed a colouring bug when full colouring (if a embedded word was found, then it was passed over until the next non-embedded word, so windowcleaner window document would highlight only document.) Added support for AutoComplete popup list items with more than one word in them Very small cosmetic enhancments. Version 1.05 - released 2/1/00 Added .hdf help definition file support Version 1.06 - released 19/2/00 Fixed bug with hdf system that was unhappy with running a command without parameters Added F5 shortcut to Colour Refresh (note you will need to Reset Toolbars for this to take effect - right click on the toolbar and choose Reset Toolbars) Fixed a Invalid Type bug that appeared at startup on a very small number of systems Fixed Select All bug Added tooltip to Open Template button (requires Reset Toolbars too) Version 2.0 - released 6/3/00 Fixed loosing input focus bug. Save button now shows the saved stauts of the current script - if it is disabled then the script has not been modified since it was last saved. Added a window list toolbar (shows buttons for each open window, for quick switching) Added a JavaScript Preview button - this will generate a html file from the current JavaScript, and display it. See the (updated) helpfile for more details. Evaluation Delay has been reduced from 8 to 5 seconds. Less annoying? Still too much? Comments welcome at Version 2.1 - released 11/3/00 Added a Save and Execute command (requires Reset Toolbars). Added a new tab called "General" within the template editor containing all the fields that were in the top section, plus extra fields (see below). In the Template Editor - added a hdf file field that will specify the hdf file to use (it is still the same as the template name by default, just that now it can be changed if required. In the Template Editor - added a Save and Execute command field that specifies the command to be executed when the Save and Execute button is pressed. Updated the Help File to include new features from the latest releases Version 3.1 - released 15/5/00 Added a Fonts toolbar to switch between Proportional, Fixed Width and DOS fonts, and supporting Set Fonts button and window. Moved the Set Editor Font option from Options window to Set Fonts window Added Set Fonts to the Edit Menu Added a Default Font Type to template editor Multiple files can be dropped Short Filenames will be converted to long, if they are passed to ScriptSmith as parameters. Made the Request for Template optional - you can specify a default template to use for all unknown file types. Templates with no colour words will not syntax highlight (makes it slightly faster) FileInfo information will no longer be stored unless a template is specifically set for a file; if a file only uses the default template, it will not be recorded. General speed increases (recompiled as Native Code, startup streamlined, registry setting location changed, much code re-written in more efficient form, most intensive loops and functions re-written as a C++ support dll) When exiting will not resize if maximized anymore. AutoIndent will now work even on lines that have not been edited (bug fix). Rewritten Undo system. This should now work with selection replacements. INS (overtype) mode fixed.